Alf's 2020 Ride for Parkinson's


Business No: 119284032RR0001

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Alf's 2020 Ride for Parkinson's

Alf Todd is at it again and is doing a 200km bike ride in one day from Victoria to Port Alberni to raise funds for HeadWay Victoria's Parkinson's Services. Alf, a person who lives with Parkinson's, rode this trip last year and raised almost $10,000 to support those living with and affected by Parkinson's, and this year he has added a few more riders to help him along the way. Much like the journey with Parkinson's this trip has many ups and downs, but knowing that the money raised will help so many like himself living with Parkinson's, Alf has decided to take the plunge and ride again. Please show Alf your support and donate to his fundraiser. Every dollar helps Alf get that one pedal closer to his $10,000 goal.  The ride will take place on Tuesday, August 11th. Please donate today and share with your networks so we can help Alf reach his goal!