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Iyé Creative

Registered Name: Victoria Community Food Hub Society

Business No: 818349730RR0001

Iyé Creative

Iyé Creative is a food justice and grassroots collective nurturing reciprocal relations and mutual aid systems. Our intention is to hold space for healing, enjoyment, and abundance, as means of breaking through the path of human suffering. We work to identify and address barriers that impede the participation and contribution of communities of colour in accessing land and nutritious, culturally relevant food through research, community building and cross-collaboration. 

Iyé Creative is about building resilient communities equipped with the skills and knowledge to meaningfully participate in our food systems. At Iyé, we are committed to facilitating new relationships to food and land through sharing about nutrition and gardening, and uplifting each other’s unique gifts for collective liberation. From planting seeds to sharing the harvest, we believe the highest quality food is grown with love and care for the earth, and is best enjoyed with good conversation, lots of laughs, and dreaming for a better future. 

Learn more at:

Iyé Creative and the South Island FarmHub partner to provide food boxes filled with nutritious, fresh produce from local farms to community members experiencing barriers accessing food, including people with visible and hidden disabilities, immigrants, seniors, low-income families, people of colour, and 2SLGBTQ+ communities.

In the first half of 2022 alone, Iyé has distributed over 900 boxes of fresh, local produce to community members, improving food access, nutritional health, physical and mental wellbeing, while building community resilience and creating a network of mutual aid.

We will match your donation*!  

Our Farmbucks program will match your donation* to Iye Creative’s produce boxes campaign to double your impact   (*up to first $2500 in donations)

Please consider a monthly donation to spread the love throughout the year!
By living in solidarity with our fellow community members, we are working toward a more just food system and an equitable future for all. 

Iyé Creative is hoping to expand our programming to support 50-70 families per week on an ongoing basis. With your support, we can reach more vulnerable people, and continue creating ripples of positive change surrounding equitable food access in Victoria. Iyé has shown what is possible when a group of committed, passionate people recognize problems in their communities and take action on a grassroots level.

Endorsements from program participants: 

“I am truly gratful [sic] for the program. Being a newcomer and a single mom, working to settle and offer my children a healthy life, having access to this amazing resource has been huge. Knowing we can reach out to this type of support help [sic] us to feel dignity and cared for. Palenke program goes beyond food security, it is a beautiful and meaninful [sic] way to create social connection and cultural literacy. It has been having a relevant positive impact on my mental heatlh [sic] for sure! May you be blessed with abundance and harmony.”

"Please accept my very warm appreciation for your thoughtful support. It has made a very positive difference in my life, in making sure I can eat quality and nutritious food. It has also helped me feel less isolated. It is caring people such as you that help people like me have access to quality food on a weekly basis. Hoping your program will be able to continue to provide sustainable support to people in our community."

"Your kindness and genuine concern has made me feel supported and not forgotten. Your generosity made a significant difference in my overall health both physically and emotionally.”