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Uxbridge Youth Centre Inc.

Registered Name: Uxbridge Youth Centre Inc.

Business No: 858323553RR0001

Working with families, schools, the community and Township to provide quality info access with relevant programming for youth ages 11 to 21.

Uxbridge Youth Centre Inc.


Our Vision

Our confident, curious, thoughtful youth are engaged and respected as valued citizens.


Since April 2006, a group of parents and local youth interested in establishing a Youth Centre in Uxbridge have worked with members of the Uxbridge community through meetings, events, fundraising, and surveys to determine the needs of our youth. An organization to raise awareness and funds was founded to facilitate the groundwork necessary for a youth centre to be established. This dedicated group of volunteers worked tirelessly with local Service Clubs, schools and Town Council to raise awareness and gain local support.

Thanks to a very generous grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation, and a donation of a downtown storefront building site from the Township of Uxbridge, The Uxbridge Youth Centre opened it’s doors in October of 2008.

What We Offer

The Uxbridge Youth Centre provides after school drop-in hours to youth ages 11 to 21.  Our drop-in hours provide youth with the opportunity to hang out with friends, access the internet, play video games and showcase their creative energy through visual arts and jam sessions.  In addition to our drop-in hours, the Uxbridge Youth Centre also offers a variety of skill-building programs that span many areas of interest including: visual arts, music, mental health and wellness, recreation, nutrition and self-esteem.

About Uxbridge Youth Centre Inc.


Supporting the ever-changing needs of the youth of our community through exciting, current programming such as:

Workshops (art, photography, resume building, self-esteem and awareness, music etc)

Physical Challenges (skateboarding and other sports activities)

Resource Library for Youth related needs

Volunteer Opportunities (cleaning up the community, participating in events etc)

Mentorship Program

Also, your donation helps us with our sustainability in the community with the costs associated with facilities and staffing: Supporting our current location and building towards an exciting future in a new UYC owned facility.


75 Marietta Street


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