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Uxbridge Scugog Pet Food Bank

Registered Name: Uxbridge Scugog Pet Food Bank Ltd.

Business No: 725477137RR0001

Uxbridge Scugog Pet Food Bank


As a registered charity, we work hard to keep families together by helping people feed their pets. Other supplies and assistance is offered when available.

Our community work is focused on the Townships of Uxbridge, Scugog and Brock in Northern Durham Region, Ontario.

When we have extra food and supplies we love helping rescues, sanctuaries and rehabilitation centres across Ontario to feed their animals.

Donated food and supplies are offered to individuals and rescue organizations in need at no cost.

Who we are:

• we started the PFB in April 2020 – intended as a temporary resource to slowdown the dog and cat surrender requests due to the uncertainty brought on by COVID;

• since that time we have realized that this is a permanent need and also expanded to cover all of North Durham – including food banks and community organizations in the Townships of Uxbridge, Scugog and Brock;

• we also partner with a pet food bank in South Durham (Rescue Chow) - sharing food, supplies, storage facilities and transport - to cover that area as well;

• our core purpose is to keep families together - by helping people feed their pets;

• we also transfer excess food & supplies to rescues, shelters, sanctuaries and wildlife rehabilitators;

• we get food and supplies from large corporations; animal rescues; other pet food banks; and individuals;

• sort & store the food & supplies - as it often comes in bulk donations (by the skid);

• effective 2023, approximately 65% of our donations go to local food banks and community organizations – the remainder goes to animal rescues, shelters, sanctuaries and rehabilitators;

• our goal today remains the same as the day we started the pet food bank – to keep pets in their homes with their families and to help rescues to save animals.

But to do this, we need help.

Thank you!!




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