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COVID-19 - United in these Challenging Times


Business No: 119260487RR0001

COVID-19 - United in these Challenging Times

In the coming weeks, the COVID-19 pandemic will change the way we live our lives. Here at United Way of the Alberta Capital Region, we are leading efforts in collaboration with our partners to assess and prepare for how COVID-19 will not only affect our health, but also the social fabrics across our region. 

We are launching a rapid response to support our local community during this global crisis. We are asking you to consider how the challenges we face as a community are impacting the most vulnerable and urge you to help in any way you can.

With your support, we can address the following needs for the most vulnerable:

- Help for seniors – Ensure that while vulnerable people are isolated, they are also supported.

- Basic needs – Ensure people have access to life’s essentials, such as food.

- Capacity for community services – Ensure that community partners can continue to do their vital work.

- Mental health support – Enable crisis lines and system navigation services.

If you’re able to, please donate today.We will continue to stay in touch with you as the situation changes but know this: at United Way of the Alberta Capital Region, we stand with, and for, community.

United, we can overcome the current challenges that our community faces.  

Thank you for your generosity,

Rob Yager

President and CEO

United Way of the Alberta Capital Region