by UNITED WAY OF LETHBRIDGE & SOUTH WESTERN ALBERTATuesday, 29 July 2025 from 12:30 PM (MDT) to 9:00 PM (MDT)Paradise Canyon Golf Resort 185 Canyon Blvd West, Lethbridge, AB T1K 6V1

Ticket Information

Ticket typepriceQuantity

Title Sponsor


Carts Sponsor


Beverage Cart Sponsor


Hydration Sponsor


Volunteer Sponsor


Lunch Sponsor


Dinner Sponsor


Platinum Sponsor


Gold Sponsor


Silver Sponsor


Single Golfer


Dinner-Only Ticket

Perfect if you’d like to join your friends, spouse, and fellow golfers for dinner and evening festivities!


Super Ticket (Value of $60)

It includes: one mulligan, one set of 50/50 and one extra chipping contest entry



A second-chance shot! Use this ticket to replay a stroke without penalty during the tournament.


Please make a donation if you are unable to attend or can help even more



United Way of Lethbridge & South Western Alberta funds programs and projects that align with our Three Pillars. Funded programs help people avoid or move out of poverty, build healthy people and strong communities, and help children and youth reach their potential. Every year our funded programs change according to what the greatest needs are and what agencies apply. The LOCAL LOVE GOLF CLASSIC is one of our most impactful fundraisers!



July 29, 2025

Paradise Canyon Golf Resort

12:30 - Registration/Lunch

1:30 - Tee Off

6:00 - Cocktails

6:30 - Dinner & Prizes

Goal Progress

Days to Buy

Paradise Canyon Golf Resort185 Canyon Blvd WestLethbridge, AB T1K 6V1
29 Jul, 2025Tuesday, 29 Jul 2025 12:30 PM (MDT)Add to my calendar


Our volunteers are a vital part of the the LOCAL LOVE GOLF CLASSIC.  Please contact us if you would like to help out.



Questions about this event?

United Way of Lethbridge & South Western Alberta403-327-1700together@lethbridgeunitedway.ca
#203B, 542 - 7 St SLethbridge, ABT1J 2H1

About This Charity

United Way of Lethbridge & South Western Alberta funds programs and projects that align with our Three Pillars. Funded programs help people avoid or move out of poverty, build healthy people and strong communities, and help children and youth reach their potential. Every year our funded programs change according to what the greatest needs are and what agencies apply.