Attack Away Game Goal Coin Can
by UNITED WAY OF BRUCE GREYWednesday, 8 September 2021 from 7:36 AM (EDT) to Thursday, 30 June 2022 9:00 AM (EDT)Ticket Information
Ticket sales for this event are now closed.
The United Way is thrilled to once again partner with Bear Wheel and Brake, Bayshore Broadcasting and the Owen Sound Attack to support The Backpack Program. Since 2005, the Backpack Program has been providing fully stocked backpacks to children of low income families right across Bruce and Grey Counties.
Attack Fans are encouraged to donate $1 for every away goal that the Attack Score!
There are 2 ways to participate!
You can have a coin bank and we will email you after every game and let you know the score…or you can sign up to donate at the end of the season.
Away goals scored for the 2019/2020 (shorter) season: 122
(2020/21 season was cancelled due to the Covid 19 Pandemic)