Unitarian Universalist Church of North Hatley (UU Estrie)
Business No: 118919539RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
A small Unitarian Universalist spiritual community which first gathered in the village of North Hatley, Quebec, in 1886. www.uuestrie.ca
Our Mission
We are a liberal spiritual community, bound by no dogma, restricted by no prescribed creed. The purpose of this fellowship is to bring religious liberals into closer acquaintance and cooperation. Relying upon reason as our guide and upon freedom as our method, we seek to grow in understanding of ourselves and of our world, and to serve others. We wish to share our legacy of religious freedom and acceptance with the larger world, and to offer a place of safety, support and challenge for all who share our values.
About Unitarian Universalist Church of North Hatley (UU Estrie)
We are a Unitarian Universalist community, affirming human rights in a progressive society. We affirm the inherent worth and dignity of every person and the importance of love and compassion in all human relations. We seek a peaceful and equitable world community, with freedom and justice for all.
Our spirituality is free-thinking, inclusive and evolving. We acknowledge many sources of inspiration for our ethical and spiritual lives.
Our ecological consciousness acknowledges that we are but one species among many on earth, but the sustainability and future evolution of our planet and all life upon it now depend upon what we humans do. This requires that we understand the universe and our place and purpose in it.
We offer adult worship and children's religious exploration weekly, and discussion groups and other activities throughout the year.