Ulnooweg Education Centre
Registered Name: Ulnooweg Education Centre
Business No: 839518370RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
The purposes are to advance education in First Nations communities. The Ulnooweg Education Centre is the new steward of Windhorse Farm.
The purposes of the Centre are to advance education in Indigenous communities in Atlantic Canada:
1. Teaching financial, accounting, economic, governance, business and strategic planning principles, practices and skills through courses, training, workshops, presentations and counseling sessions;
2. Developing and delivering courses, programs, training, workshops, presentations and counselling sessions that help children, youth and adults develop knowledge and skills relating to employment and career opportunities, ecology, health and Indigenous culture and language; and
3. Conducting research into the social, financial, economic, demographic, and development conditions, needs and opportunities of these communities.