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Tungasuvvingat Inuit


Business No: 108145079RR0001

Incorporated in 1987, Tungasuvvingat Inuit provides Inuit-specific programs that contribute to the health and well-being of Inuit.

Tungasuvvingat Inuit


Tungasuvvingat Inuit (TI) is a multi-sector hub for Inuit of all ages, whether they have just started unravelling the challenges of navigating urban living in The South, or staying connected to their culture in The North.

Why Tungasuvvingat Inuit?

TI is an Inuit-specific, provincial service provider that provides social support, cultural activities, counselling and crisis intervention as a one-stop resource centre to meet the rapidly growing, complex and evolving needs of Inuit in Ontario.

TI is a registered, charitable, not-for-profit organization, offering more than 20 highly integrated, front-line services. The agency is the only Inuit-specific service organization of its kind in urban Canada offering support through the entire life cycle.

TI has 35 years of highly successful experience in crafting the design, development and delivery of a wide range of effective, client-centered services.

With about 30 per cent of Inuit now living outside of The North, TI is recognized as a leading advocate for urban Inuit and is prominent within the framework of national Inuit organizations.

Our comprehensive agency is a respected leader and the primary model for Inuit-specific service delivery, working in both urban and non-urban settings. We partner with over 60 Inuit and non-Inuit organizations.

TI is called on to provide advice and support on Inuit topics to other agencies across the country; such as courts, hospitals, schools and social services agencies. We offer them information on Inuit culture and values, resources for Inuit-specific programming, an understanding of Inuit rights in the city and information on labour market engagement including financial assistance for Inuit post-secondary students and employment and training opportunities.

The majority of TI’s staff is Inuit. The organization serves a critical and invaluable role in the education, training and development of high-performing Inuit professionals.

TI prides itself on a rich history of community development. With limited Inuit specific resources available, several TI projects have evolved into standalone Inuit service providers, enriching the options for Inuit needs to be met and strengthening the community voice. Beyond Ottawa and across southern Canada, TI has been working with Inuit in many cities to help strengthen and develop local capacity to better meet the needs of Inuit.

Our agency has received mainstream recognition as a centre of excellence in several of our programs. TI is supported by more than a dozen public and private funders, including all levels of government. We are governed by an elected, volunteer Board of Directors, consisting broadly of community leaders from across the province committed to fulfilling our vision.


1071 Richmond Rd

Ottawa, ON, K2B 6R2

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