Transplant Advocate Association
Registered Name: Transplant Advocate Association
Business No: 835240128RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
The Beginning
This group originated from an informal meeting in 2004 between three recent transplantees that came together by chance. They met at a coffee shop to share stories and experiences as they found after the initial incredible work the hospitals do for the recipient, you kind of fall off the radar and are left to your own devices.
They decided to form a group and the original group, the Ontario East Transplant Support Group, was born. The first official meeting is pictured above. We have since change our name as our group became more well known and spread further geographically than our name represented. We still advocate for donors and the entire transplant process as it has enriched all of our lives in some beautiful way.
What We Do
Through meetings, presentations, community events and other avenues we try to spread the word about the incredible things that can be achieved through transplant. Yes lives are extended, which is a good thing in itself, but also the quality of life after a transplant is many times extraordinarily better then pre-transplant. And for the family of the thoughtful donor that selflessly gave of themselves so others could enjoy more days, it many times provides comfort to see that last true Gift help so many