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Transformation Research Network or TRN


Business No: 119268480RR0001

Our research makes reliable sense of the profound changes -- personal, societal and civilizational -- now occurring within and among us.

Transformation Research Network or TRN

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Tag line:  The only way to grow is up!

Mission: TRN calls and enables Canadians to make reliable sense of and respond courageously to the profound changes - personal, societal and civilizational - now occurring within and among us.

Perspective:  In our view, for good and ill, ours is a truly rare time in human history – a time of civilizational-level change and transformation.  However, ours is the first time in which our future well-being and survival require us to understand and respond openly to the transition we are in.  To do so, we need to develop new ways of seeing, thinking and acting.  Therefore, TRN takes a perspective on our increasingly messy and distressing societies that is whole person, whole-of-society, whole systems and civilizational-level.  Only so can we make sense of our times that is both fresh and reliable enough to allow us to grow into truly wise, humane and sustainable persons, families, societies and cultures.

We acknowledge that this news is confounding:  the changes of the 21st Century are already so systemic and profound that none of our inherited forms of civilization will be able to cope.  Worse, we have not yet touched bottom.  Societal distress will increase.  Unseen by most, serious and well-founded talk of civilizational breakdown is growing among well-informed researchers and observers.  Sadly, as yet, no existing society understands and accepts the hard fact that its inherited ways of making sense of itself and its world are now beyond their best before date.  Rather, all are sticking to their inherited identity – still trying to create a better version of yesterday to serve a truly new tomorrow.  While effective in the past, tragically in the 21st Century, this strategy will no longer work.

The good news is that in the midst of the turmoil a truly new form of civilization is struggling to emerge.  Already a small but growing number of researchers, opinion-leaders and practitioners around the world are openly embracing the need for and fact of civilizational-level change and evolution.  Although it is still far from obvious, it is becoming clear that our Modern/Industrial form of civilization that dominates this planet has no long-term future.  It is even less clear that, as persons and whole societies, we need to embrace the work of learning to become conscious, responsible and loving co-creators of our future.  Yet, our hope lies in this work.

TRN is committed to supporting and/or undertaking the research and dialogue that is necessary to nurture and develop this new way of framing the core human challenge of the 21st Century.  

While we work primarily in Canada, our concern and reach are global.   

Major types of activities:  TRN undertakes and/or supports:

  • Networking and community development that is necessary to find and link researchers, opinion-leaders and practitioners who are wrestling with systemic, whole-person, whole-of-society, civilizational-level change and evolution.
  • Workshops and conferences designed for such persons.
  • Research projects that shed light on the need for and/or fact of civilizational-level change and transformation.
  • The development of opinion leaders who are able to see, think and act systemically at the level of whole forms of civilization and their transformation.

Current Project:  

TRN is working with Foresight Canada to call into being a unique social enterprise to be a major Canadian focus and enabler of this work.  We call this the Co-Creating Tomorrow project

  1. We are seeking patrons, donors and sponsors of this work.  You will understand that funding for serious whole systems, whole person and whole-of-society work about civilizational-level transformation is not yet well established, even in progressive foundations.  In our culture, we still do pieces better than wholes.  Your support is needed and will be welcomed.
  2. We are seeking expressions of interest from potential partner organizations.
  3. We are seeking persons willing to work with us as volunteers.

Invitation:  If you are the least bit interested in learning more, connecting with us or supporting us please donate or email or call Ruben Nelson: +1-888-673-3537.



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  • Ruben N donated $50.00!

    Thank you.

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