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$913.00raised of $10,000.00
Campaign Ended February 28, 2021
2021 Virtual Polar Bear Challenge
For the month of February, we are inviting you, champions of polar bear conservation, to help raise awareness about the plight of polar species in the wild. Did you know that Canada is home to almost 60% of the world’s polar bear population and that that population is steadily declining due to the devastating effects of climate change in their natural habitats such as melting sea ice? By partnering with the Toronto Zoo in this virtual #TZPolarBearChallenge, you can help raise awareness by sharing some of the easy changes we can all make to help prevent the extinction of another important Canadian species.
To participate in this virtual #TZPolarBearChallenge, take to social media to share your photos and videos of you and your loved ones bringing awareness to polar bears and the easy ways we can all help protect their future! Not sure what to do? Come up with your own creative ideas or check out our social media accounts some of the cool polar bear content our Wildlife Care Keepers have come up with like snow angels, building a ‘snowbear’ or doing your own polar dip! Post your videos on TikTok, Instagram, Twitter or Facebook with the hashtag #TZPolarBearChallenge and tag us @TheTorontoZoo by Sunday, February 28th for a chance to win an exclusive polar prize!
Every action counts - help your Toronto Zoo support the critical polar bear research projects happening behind the scenes, helping protecting the species and their Arctic habitats.
Raise Funds for Polar Bears!
Register for the Polar Challenge and start your own fundraiser page. Share your personalized fundraiser page on social media and with your family and friends to raise awareness for polar bears and polar species, and encourage them to support your Toronto Zoo and the #TZPolarBearChallenge throughout the month of February as we celebrate our very own polar bears, Juno, Humphrey, Hudson, Aurora, Nikita as well as their counterparts in the wild.
Raise $100 by February 14 to be entered for a chance to win our early-bird prize of two admission passes to the Toronto Zoo! The top fundraiser will win an incredible Toronto Zoo Polar Bear prize pack featuring admission to the Toronto Zoo and a behind-the-scenes experience with one of our Wildlife Care Keepers and our polar bears for up to two guests!
Did you know the Toronto Zoo is involved in collaborative research projects with multiple accredited zoos and organizations? The goal of these programs is to help better understand polar bear reproductive biology, nutrition and behaviour studies to provide valuable information to support polar bear education, research and conservation efforts both at the Zoo and in the wild. Some of these organizations include Polar Bears International (PBI), Parks Canada, the North American Polar Bear Species Survival Plan (SSP), and Acres for the Atmosphere.
Monies raised through the 2021 Virtual Polar Challenge will contribute to the construction of a “hot spot” play area in the Tundra Trek to highlight climate change and its impact on polar bears and the Arctic sea ice. Through this interactive space we aim to further inform, inspire, and empower guests to take immediate actions to reduce their CO2 emissions to help conserve polar bears and the sea ice they depend on.
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