Business No: 133444166RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
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Our Mission
The Mission of Sentiers Massawippi is to promote the extension and improvement of the network of ecological trails available to the public. It includes in particular the conversion from Rail to Trail of the abandoned Massawippi Valley Railroad property into a linear park for non-motorized recreation and transportation, nature conservation, education, and the preservation of our heritage.
The Tomifobia Nature Trail (TNT) is a 19-km rail-trail in the Tomifobia River valley, between Rte. 141 in Ayer’s Cliff and Rte. 247 in Beebe (Stanstead). This property was purchased in 1993 from Canadian Pacific by Sentiers Massawippi, a non-profit charitable organization.
supporter wall
Jan O donated $1,000.00!
Thanks for all the hard work…
Pierre B donated $40.00!
Merci pour garder vivant ce joyau !
Lise G donated $200.00!
Merci à tous pour la fidélité à l’organisme! Vous êtes dévoués et engagés et ce...
Willow G donated $30.00!
Thank you so much! The Sentier is such a gift for all nature lovers around here....
Esther M donated $40.00!
Proud to be a member
Marc T donated $40.00!
Un grand merci pour entretenir ce magnifique lieu en nature.