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The Neighbourhood Group


Business No: 106887284RR0002

The Neighbourhood Group


Who is The Neighbourhood Group?

In 2012, Central Neighbourhood House and Neighbourhood Link Support Services embarked on a journey to form The Neighbourhood Group. The goal for entering in this amalgamation was to make both organizations stronger in terms of service delivery and community outreach.  As both organizations have a long standing history within their respective communities, it was imperative that their histories and legacies remain intact.

Central Neighbourhood House (@CNH_1911)

Founded in 1911, Central Neighbourhood House has been serving the Cabbagetown-Regent Park-Moss Park area for over 100 years.  Originally a settlement house for a wave of immigrants that arrived at “The Ward” in Toronto, Central Neighbourhood House provided the most basic needs: shelter and food.  Throughout its 103 year history, CNH has changed to accommodate the community, always providing support and acting as an advocate for those in greatest need. Today, CNH continues to offer a wide spectrum of programs and services and remains committed to improving the quality of life of people in the community. To learn more about CNH it's programs, please visit:

Neighbourhood Link Support Services (@neighbourhdlink)

Similarly, Neighbourhood Link Support Services was founded based on the needs of its community. Rooted in community activism, Cecilia Murphy and Norm Houghton founded Senior Link in 1975 as a means of supporting seniors living in East Toronto.  As the neighbourhood’s demographics changed and more youth began accessing its programs, Senior Link became Neighbourhood Link and eventually transformed into Neighbourhood Link Support Services in 2005.  Since then, Neighbourhood Link Support Services as continued to be a driving force in the community for change and advocacy for those that need it most. For more information about Neighbourhood Link, please visit:

Our Plan

As of July 1st 2014, both CNH and NLSS have been working under The Neighbourhood Group banner.  While the organization is still going through the initial integration process, there is great anticipation for what the completed process will bring.  Over the next four years, we will continue with the integration process, and we hope to extend the following programs across Toronto:

  • The introduction of centralized navigation will facilitate access to a broader continuum of programs and services.
  • The expansion of residential respite services.
  • The expansion of case management to the downtown core of Toronto, which is currently facing a significant gap in this type of service delivery.
  • The expansion of Meals on Wheels services.
  • The expansion of conversation circles for newcomers to support the needs of broader demographic groups.
  • The expansion of social and dining events for isolated seniors.




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