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Business No: 803544543RR0001


You or I might take for granted that we whip off our socks when we walk in to a yoga studio. But what if you’d been living on the street, or were marginalized in some other way? You might not have had regular access to showers, corn pads, lotion or even nail clippers. In Yoga Outreach classes, our students keep their socks on for lots of reasons. It feels safer. It feels less awkward. It’s warmer. Maybe it’s faster to make a quick getaway after class. Whatever the reason, we don't make a big deal about it.

That’s one good reason to think about sharing what you can with Yoga Outreach. You’ll be supporting adults and youth at service facilities in your community to practise yoga any way they feel comfortable – socks on, or socks off.  

Do you know someone passionate about yoga or mental wellness?

You can donate in honour of someone you love as a holiday gift. Send them an e-card of your choice by selecting "in honour of" in the "Dedicate this Donation" area below. Or, if you'd like, we'll mail your loved one a holiday card. Simply send us the name and address of the person in the "Include a Message for This Charity" field.

$15 a month provides more mentorship and resources for our yoga teachers. You’ll be gifting confidence and preventing burnout for these essential volunteers.

$25 a month helps us build new programs. You’ll be supporting the 30 to 50 hours it takes to get programs in new facilities up and running.

$50 a month keeps our trainings up-to-date with emerging research on trauma treatment and yoga. You’ll be ensuring Yoga Outreach and front-line support workers are serving traumatized adults and youth as effectively as possible.

$100 a month provides one month of trauma-informed yoga sessions in a social service setting. You’ll be making Yoga Outreach’s work sustainable.

Your sponsorship can help us reach our goal of raising enough to get 4 new programs up and running in the next 3 months!

About Yoga Outreach

Yoga Outreach has been providing volunteer-based yoga programming within community service facilities across BC since 1996.

Our weekly programs serve:

  • Women and children fleeing violence
  • Incarcerated and at-risk youth
  • Women in prison
  • Those accessing mental health services
  • Those recovering from addictions ...and more.

Our weekly programs offer individuals an opportunity to heal from trauma by learning to reconnect with and feel safe within their bodies (a key element when healing from trauma), while also re-establishing a sense of social safety by participating in group classes within a familiar facility.

Participants learn and practice techniques to cultivate safe and compassionate relationships with their bodies. They are empowered with choice, a sense of community connection, and tools for self-regulation.

Yoga Outreach's past 22 years of community service has only been possible thanks to volunteers and individuals like YOU who donate to support the healing of your community.