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Ulnooweg Indigenous Communities Foundation

Registered Name: The Ulnooweg Indigenous Communities Foundation

Business No: 735637126RR0001

The UICF is a registered charity to help strengthen relationships between the philanthropic sector and First Nations communities .

Ulnooweg Indigenous Communities Foundation


The Ulnooweg Indigenous Communities Foundation is a registered charity that will help strengthen the relationships between Canada’s philanthropic sector and the First Nations communities of Atlantic Canada.

Canada’s philanthropic sector – registered charities and individual and corporate donors – plays a critical role in the success and vitality of the country. The sector is involved in essential and innovative work in a wide range of fields, including health, education, environmental protection, community economic development, infrastructure, and the arts.

Canada’s approximately 200 community foundations are a major part of the philanthropic sector. They manage over $5 billion in assets and generate approximately $250 million in grants each year to charitable organizations and other “qualified donees.” They also invest some of their capital to help catalyse positive community impacts.

But the connections between this vital sector and First Nations communities are not as strong as they should be. There is a need to build new relationships, understanding, co-operation and infrastructure for the sector and the communities to work together more constructively.

The new Foundation will work to fill this gap and to pursue the enormous opportunities for impact donations, grants and investments. It is a federally incorporated registered charity, its members and directors are chiefs and leaders from the Mi’kmaq and Maliseet communities of the Atlantic region, and it is supported by experienced professional advisors.




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