Brandon Fire Victims Relief
Business No: 108061391RR0003
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
The serious fire of May 19, 2018, displaced many families from the apartment building affected (one of four destroyed buildings). The diocese in conjunction with St. Matthew's Anglican Cathedral immediately went into action as a drop off point for donations to the victims. Immediate needs were clothing and personal items that were left behind as the residents evacuated. Longer term needs will include money which the diocese will collect and disperse in conjunction with our partnership with "The Bear Clan", a community group dedicated to helping people living in the core of our city, as well as any other organizations we identify that may have needs directly related to the disaster.
Many children have been displaced and the diocese will be sponsoring them to attend our summer camp and any donations we receive will also be directed to this initiative.