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Business No: 890870793RR0001

The 10th Field Battery, RCA, is a direct perpetuation of that Welland Canal Field Battery.



With the help of people like you, we have been able to offer much required and appreciated financial assistance to our citizen soldiers of St. Catharines and Niagara who serve our country in the 10th Field Battery, 56th Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery. With your support, our commitment to continue this assistance will be realized.

The St. Catharines Artillery Foundation is asking for your support and a donation for the purposes of providing financial assistance for the efficiency, welfare and well-being of the 10th Battery.

The Foundation also acquires, collects and preserves artifacts, objects, memorabilia and records related to the Battery. The Foundation’s museum is located in the Niagara Military Museum, 5049 Victoria Av. Niagara Falls, Ontario, L2E 4E2, 905-358-1949.

  • Niagara’s gunners have been serving their country since 1794. Four Companies of Artillery Militia were raised in Lincoln County (Niagara) with No. 1 at Newark, No. 2 at Queenston, No. 3 at Fort Welland and No. 4 at Fort Erie. They served the guns during the War of 1812.

  • On 1 June 1866 members of the Fenian Brotherhood crossed into Canada at Fort Erie seeking to hold Canada hostage in exchange for Irish liberation from England. The following day the Fenians were engaged by Canadian Militia in Ridgeway. After this battle, many Fenians withdrew towards Fort Erie with the intent of returning to Buffalo. In Fort Erie, a Canadian Force composed of the Welland Canal Field Battery and the Dunnville Naval Brigade was between the retreating Fenians and their destination of Buffalo. The small Canadian force engaged the larger Fenian force near the docks in Fort Erie. They continued to skirmish until they ran out of ammunition and were surrounded by the Fenians. Many were taken prisoner but were treated well by the Fenians and later released. This gallant stand against a superior force was in the best Canadian tradition. The 10th Field Battery, RCA, is a direct perpetuation of that Welland Canal Field Battery.

  • On a sunny April 22, 1915 at approximately 5pm, German forces preceded their attack on the Allies’ front line near St. Julien Belgium with a deadly and frightening weapon, poisonous chlorine gas. It was the first large scale use of chemical weapons in warfare. Unfortunately it was not the only time. The initial attack was against the French Divisions in the northern trenches of the Ypres Salient. The French were forced back creating a breach in the front line. The 1st Canadian Division next to them soon came under attack. The 10th Field Battery, consisting of gunners from St. Catharines and the Niagara area were in a most dangerous position as they were the closest artillery to the advancing enemy. At times, within 200 meters. The 10th Battery gunners engaged the enemy over open sites for over four hours but did not retreat or give ground. This stand made a valuable contribution towards halting the enemy advance until reinforcements could arrive.

  • Since 1921, The Battle at St. Julien has been commemorated by the 10th Field Battery and the people of St. Catharines. We wish to continue to perpetuate the memory and courage of those men who served the guns so well during that battle.

  • The Foundation also acquires, collects and preserves artifacts, objects, memorabilia and records related to the Battery, members of the Battery, the St. Catharines Artillery Foundation, 10th Field Battery Association, affiliated Cadet Corps, and other related Niagara Region RCA organizations, previous artillery units perpetuated by the Battery and other artillery units that were based in the Niagara Region. For example, this includes the Lincoln Militia Artillery units, Incorporated Artillery Company, Royal Artillery Drivers, Volunteer Militia Field Battery of Artillery of Port Colborne, Welland Canal Volunteer Field Battery, and Volunteer Militia Foot Company of Artillery and other units related to the Royal Canadian Artillery, plus Canadian units perpetuated by the RCA and per-confederation British and French Artillery in Canada.

  • The Foundation’s museum is located in the Niagara Military Museum, 5049 Victoria Av. Niagara Falls, Ontario, L2E 4E2, 905-358-1949.

The St. Catharines Artillery Foundation is a registered charity operating as an incorporated not for profit organization of volunteers supporting our citizen soldiers. Our purpose is to support the efficiency, welfare and well-being of the members of the 10th Field Battery, RCA and the perpetuation of the 10th Field Battery, RCA. We thank them for their service to Canada.

The Foundation is able to issue receipts for income tax purposes for any person, or corporation or legal entity who has made a gift to the Foundation. The Foundation is also able to issue Income tax receipts for artifacts, objects, memorabilia and records donated to the foundation. The receipt will reflect fair market value at the time of donation determined by appraisal.