Business No: 101630820RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
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Our Vision
Healthy Individuals, Healthy Communities, Healthy Church
Our Mission
Southdown provides preventative and restorative care using the integration of psychological, physical and interpersonal practice with the wisdom of the Catholic spiritual tradition.
The Southdown Institute offers residential and outpatient psychological treatment and spiritual guidance to Clergy, Vowed Religious and Lay Pastoral Ministers, and provides education promoting health and holiness for all committed to ministry and religious life.
The Southdown outpatient services include both individual and group therapy offerings and are now available online to a wider population. In addition to offering these services to Clergy, Vowed Religious and Lay Pastoral Ministers, we now welcome Catholic lay people who are seeking to integrate their spirituality and faith into the process of psychotherapy. Our online outpatient services are available in English, French, and Spanish.
The Southdown Institute was founded specifically to address the needs of religious and clergy in areas of addiction and mental health. For over 55 years, our interdisciplinary team comprised of psychologists, psychiatrists, addictions counsellors, spiritual directors, and related professionals have helped those who minister in the Church to find healing and wholeness.
The Southdown Institute is fully accredited by Accreditation Canada.
What people are saying
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Amy M donated!
Thank you for the opportunity to support!
Claude G T donated $75.00!
Thank you for all you've done for me while I was at Soughdown in 2000-2001. I'm...
Marc J P donated $300.00!
God Bless You for your important work of healing.