Society of St. Pius X Ontario
Business No: 119254696RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.

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On account of the present-day Corona-virus crisis, the church is on lock-down, but not the so-called essential businesses that keep sending us invoices while we have no income as there is no Sunday collection. Please help to keep the church alive by using electronic means to send your contribution.
Thank you for your help. It is deeply appreciated.
supporter wall
Michael P donated $1,000.00!
In memory of Jasia Hartman - RIP
Jean-Marie R donated $1,000.00!
Contribution to any plan Father Prescott makes. JM
Sean D donated $38.75!
Thank you for your devotion!
Maroun E donated $82.81!
The synod is about to bring great confusion to the Church. Many will apostasies,...
Carlos P donated $2,000.00!
In thanksgiving for the graces obtained this year through the Masses and prayers...
Higliney R donated $107.37!
Thank you for the spiritual support, when we need it most.