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The Public Good Society of Dartmouth

Registered Name: The Public Good Society of Dartmouth

Business No: 858708928RR0001

The Public Good Society of Dartmouth


Our Mission


Dartmouth is a welcoming and inclusive community where people and organizations work together to support each other.


To work with partner agencies serving Dartmouth and to share our resources and knowledge to better understand and address complex social issues facing our community members.


To alleviate the conditions of poverty and improve quality of life in Dartmouth by facilitating access to services; and

To identify gaps and then research and develop plans of action for specific complex social and economic issues that affect residents of Dartmouth.


In all we do we value:

The rights and aspirations of the individual person

Working with people – being connected with the experience of people working towards self-reliance

Partnerships and shared responsibility amongst those who serve the community

Focus on people’s strengths

Creative approaches that inspire innovation in meeting the requirements of those in need

The belief that helping others helps the whole community

About The Public Good Society of Dartmouth

"What is right? What is just? What is for the public good?" A sense of social justice inspired Joseph Howe to make this province the best it could be for its citizens in the 1800s. In late 2004, community members representing residents, business, health, community services, voluntary sector, and government formed a non-profit organization The Public Good Society of Dartmouth to continue his good example.

The Society sponsors three programs that were developed based on research and strategic partnerships.

Connections that Work (CTW)

The CTW Co-ordinator connects marginalized individuals to appropriate resources. Working in foodbanks, soup kitchens, drop-ins, the Co-ordinator assists individuals access mental health and addiction support, general medical attention and housing. Initially set-up to support individuals with finding employment,  we soon realized, after finding jobs for many, that the key gaps for this group was in accessing mental health, addictions and housing services.  No matter the weather, working out of his knapsack and in coffee shops, the Co-ordinator works in line-ups at the foodbanks, soup kitchens, drop-ins and libraries. He connects individuals with the services they need and often attends to support the individual. As of 2014, he has connected and helped over 3500 individuals with a wide variety of problems and issues: 78% of contacts related to mental health/addictions, medical treatment and housing. For the period of April  - December 2016, 90% of contacts related to these 3 main issues.

Dartmouth North Community Van

The community van is owned and managed by the Society and is made available to Dartmouth-based non-profit organizations at less than the cost of gas.  The biggest use of the van is by three local food banks.  Other groups use it to offer additional services and outings for their members.  As of 2014, in response to the food insecurity faced by those living in poverty, the van was used to take people to affordable grocery stores. This provided affordable and healthy food to those who could not otherwise access these stores.  This program is scheduled for when individuals receive their  Income Assistance payment. People using the service have reported savings as much as 50% on better quality products.  By the end of 2016, almost 14,500 people have been transported. Approximately 3050 individual trips were provided in 2016, driven by 29 volunteer drivers.


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