The Period Purse
Registered Name: The Period Purse
Business No: 723888327RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
The Period Purse strives to achieve menstrual equity and reduce the stigma surrounding periods.
The Period Purse is a registered charity that strives to achieve menstrual equity and reduce the stigma surrounding periods. Our vision is for all marginalized people who menstruate to have free access to period products.
Our 3 pillars:
1) Outreach: We work with community partners, local volunteers and donors to get menstrual products to those who need them.
2) Education:We educate the next generation in Menstruation Nation in order to reduce stigma and build support and understanding about the importance of menstrual equity.
3) Advocacy:We raise awareness of the real barriers faced by marginalized menstruators and advocate for lasting policy and funding changes.