Registered Name: THE GALIANO CLUB
Business No: 120542485RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Projects: the Galiano Community Food Program; the South End Community Hall; Bluffs Park, Mount Galiano and Heritage Forest lands.

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The Galiano Club was founded in 1924. It's projects include The Galiano Community Food Program; the South End Community Hall; The Galiano Food Pantry, Bluffs Park, Mount Galiano and Heritage Forest lands. The Club was also instrumental in the establishment of Galiano's new Community Library.
The Galiano Community Food Program builds community by growing, preparing, preserving and sharing food. The Food Program nourishes and strengthens island food security through learning and sharing skills. The Food Program values collaboration, inclusiveness and connections, healthy growing practices, sustainability and equal food access for all.
Your contribution to the Food Program helps us continue to build community by growing, preparing, preserving and sharing food, through our ongoing projects, including: Galiano School Garden & other school projects; Community Greenhouse; Gleaning Program; Partnerships with island growers & producers; community celebration potlucks; Nettlefest; and Educational workshops.
For more info, visit
The Galiano Club is a registered society in the province of British Columbia and has Federal Charitable Status. Full Membership is open to any Galiano Island resident and/or taxpayer and Associate Membership (non-voting) is open to all. We welcome all kinds of support: donations, volunteering and constructive suggestions. We have a great deal of responsibility and strive to make a positive difference in our small but lively community.
supporter wall
James L donated $50.00!
Great work, Galiano Club!
Paul K donated $100.00!
Hope this helps. You're doing a great service for the community.
Art M donated $50.00!
Thanks for your important work.
Joan H donated $75.00!
Thanks for everything you do