Business No: 129863379RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Our Mission
The Elizabeth Fry Society of Peterborough is committed to providing services that empower individuals to reduce social isolation, increase coping tools to make healthy choices, and break the cycle of violence. When we address poverty, addiction, mental health, and domestic violence through a connection to resources, programs, and support we can reduce recidivism and increase the overall health of our community. Our Court Case Management services focus on advocating and delivering services to women who are before the courts, incarcerated, or at risk of criminalization. We provide meaningful alternatives to incarceration believing that we can make a real difference in the lives of women by offering them community alternatives to sentencing. .
The Elizabeth Fry Society of Peterborough has three main programs and services:
1. The community services offered by the Elizabeth Fry Society of Peterborough include group programming and individual counselling within a low barrier community agency. Our groups include: Anger Solutions, Wellness and Self-Esteem, Healthy Relationships, Substance Abuse Program, Women and Integrity Shoplifting program and Financial Literacy. We also offer group programming and individual support to women incarcerated at the Central East Correctional Centre.
2. Court Case Management Services – This program is directed by our Court Case Manager and delivered by the assistance of our court support worker. The staff in this program attends at the Criminal Court on a daily basis and advocate for community alternatives to incarceration. This work includes facilitation and supporting access to services across the community.
3. Bail Verification and Supervision - This program is delivered in both the Peterborough and Lindsay Criminal Courts. Our staff is in the court daily to provide verified information to the court so that individuals can be released on bail and to supervise men, women, and youth released to the Bail Program. The supervision component involves facilitation of appropriate referrals to, and following up with, community agencies especially with regards to persistent mental health and addiction issues, poverty and homelessness. Our Indigenous support services offer a holistic and culturally appropriate approach to ensuring systemic discrimination factors that have played a role in previous convictions and unique background factors are considered for release and service delivery options.
We recognize the rights of women to dignity and respect in all aspects of their involvement with the criminal justice system. We are committed to working with other agencies and all levels of government with similar principles and objectives.