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Todd Reade Fund


Business No: 122437072RR0001

Todd Reade Fund
  1. The charitable intents and purposes of the Fund are to enhance the quality of life for people living in the greater Edmonton area by supporting Qualified Donees that carry out charitable activities and/or programs to:

(a)          create, enhance and/or sustain the ability of people to participate or otherwise experience the benefits of sport and/or recreation; and/or

(b)          research, enhance and support gay, lesbian, bisexual, transsexual, transgender and/or two-spirited issues, activities and/or concerns; and/or

(c) help students to achieve success

            (ii) in learning at a post-secondary level; and/or

            (iii) in life, including but not limited to leadership development, mentorship, and/or

                  public awareness programs.


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