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Shane McElhanney Memorial Fund


Business No: 122437072RR0001

Shane McElhanney Memorial Fund

Shane was a shepherd. A shepherd of people from all walks of life. Shane was a gatherer. A gatherer of the best qualities in all of us and bundling it into his awesome personality. He was caring, charismatic, funny, generous, kind and most of all, loving.

Shane loved all sports. He loved politics. He loved debate. In a word, he loved people and they loved him back.

The Shane McElhanney Memorial Fund was set up at the Edmonton Community Foundation to enhance the quality of life for youth living in greater Edmonton. It allows children and youth to play the organized sport and to experience the benefits of participating in organized sports. Shane loved and played all sports and in his adult life,  rugby and bike racing were his highest priorities.  Shane’s fund removes the financial barriers for children and youth to play the sport of their choice.”  

Tim McGraw ~ Humble and Kind

Cole Swindell- You Should Be Here

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