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Lawyers' Legacy Fund


Business No: 122437072RR0001

Lawyers' Legacy Fund

As lawyers, we share a long tradition of service to our clients and to our community. That service manifests itself in a myriad of ways, from protecting human rights to managing corporate takeovers, to sitting on non-profit boards and standing for office, and that service is delivered daily by lawyers of all stripes, from small town sole practitioners to national firm senior partners and corporate counsel. In return, we are amply rewarded, both by our clients financially and also by our community in terms of respect and the ongoing benefits of working in a self-regulating profession. Yet we cannot take these rewards for granted, and must continually demonstrate the legitimacy of our calling and the justification of our professional independence.

The Lawyers' Legacy Fund was established to help strengthen our profession both internally and in the context of the broader community. By creating this endowment fund administered by the Edmonton Community Foundation, we hope to provide a vehicle for lawyers looking for a means of "giving back" to the profession and to the community, as well as a platform for reinforcing the independent strength of the legal profession as a cornerstone in our community.

The aims of the Lawyers' Legacy Fund are three-fold:

  • We take care of our own through ongoing financial support of the Lawyer Assist program
  • We invest in the future of our profession, by funding scholarships for qualifying law students
  • We support the Boyle McCauley Health Centre as a way of caring for the most vulnerable members of our society

You are invited to share in growing the Fund and building a lasting legacy of support for our community and for our profession.

The amount on canadahelps does not reflect the total amount raised for the Lawyers' Legacy Fund.

  • At 2015 year end the fund balance was $73,836

Edmonton Community Foundation Home Page

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