Larry Derkach Legacy Endowment Fund
Business No: 122437072RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
" I am driven by my values - I truly believe how important community is to our wholeness and our health. Very often, when people are broken, part of the healing comes through community and relationships. Together, we have built a wonderful community within this agency. " LD
Larry Derkach served as Executive Director at Jewish Family Services Edmonton for 17 years. JFS is a registered charity and has been serving the community for 63 years.
JFS’ present focus is on bereavement support; clinical counselling; integration and education of newcomers; advocacy with individuals to help them access community services; seniors’ support; and life education for adults.
There are presently 5 core programs:
1. The Edmonton Healing Centre for Grief and Loss: A skill building program that assists people to deal with their loss and increase their resiliency.
2. Integrity Counselling: Trained Clinical Counsellors help people to address deep-seated emotional and psychological issues on a sliding scale basis.
3. Community Links Program: We offer a way-finding and support service geared to newcomers and others who are not sure where in the community to find the help they need.
4. Seniors Making Age Related Transitions (SMART): Our Outreach Worker assists Jewish seniors with issues such as a transition to a new home and staying connected with the community.
5. Holocaust Survivor Support Program: Services are provided, on income tested basis, specifically for surviving Jewish victims of Nazi aggression during World War II. Assistance is provided with funds from the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany (commonly referred to as the “Claims Conference”).
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