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The Dash Fund


Business No: 122437072RR0001

The Dash Fund

Dash’s life ended abruptly on March 16th, 2019, but it is not her death that we will focus on. Instead we will celebrate her beautiful life — Dash was such a special dog who touched the lives of everyone she met.

Steph rescued Dash in 2011 from the SPCA, where they found her abandoned on Enoch reserve. She had just given birth to a litter of puppies and had parvo, but Steph nurtured her back to health. Dash loved life from the get-go. Whether she was hiking, camping, playing in the backyard, or napping like a champion, she shared her joy and love of life with whoever was around her.

The connection between Steph and Dash was immediate and the two became completely inseparable. Steph loved Dash fiercely, and Dash loved Steph right back. Dash grew up being loved by so many people, including her second Mom, Ciara Fedoruk, Steph and Ciara’s entire families, her other Moms, Jen and Emma, her best friend Penny, and countless other friends and family members (some four-legged, some two-legged). 

Your contribution to The Dash Fund is an important part of Dash’s legacy and will ensure that Dash’s memory will outlive all of us and continue to support dogs in need.

Thank you very much!

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