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Community Foundation for Kingston & Area


Business No: 891432395RR0001

CFKA is an independent, local charitable organization. We strengthen our community by connecting charitable giving to community needs.

Community Foundation for Kingston & Area


Our Mission

Our Vision:

A vibrant creative community where EVERYONE has the opportunity to take part in building a caring, healthy and culturally rich community.

Our Mission:

We and our donors strengthen our community by making strategic and effective grants, growing and managing a lasting endowment, and serving our community as a resource and partner.

About Community Foundation for Kingston & Area

The Community Foundation for Kingston & Area encourages charitable giving by people who want to leave a lasting legacy to their community. The Foundation is a collection of individual funds established by local citizens and held in perpetuity, to enhance the quality of life in our community. It is a public charity, registered with Canada Revenue Agency, that allows individuals, families, businesses, private foundations and non-profit organizations, through gifts and bequests, to establish permanent endowments under the umbrella of one large foundation. The income from these separate funds can help the community respond to today's problems and meet the emerging needs and opportunities of the future.


275 Ontario Street

Suite #100

Kingston, ON, K7K 2X5

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