The ABLE Network
Registered Name: The Able Network Corporation
Business No: 818236150RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Our Mission
The ABLE Network stands for Access to Better Living and Employment. Our mission is: To create a network of committed community partners providing inclusive work and recreation options for adults with intellectual disabilities (ID). To ensure that all options are relevant and are provided in natural job and community settings in a supportive environment.
About The ABLE Network
The ABLE Network has six core programs: work, recreation/healthy lifestyle, literacy, transit training, volunteering and social networking. All core programs are designed to improve the participants functioning in the community, improve the participants quality of life, develop healthy lifestyles, ensure safety while they gain the necessary life skills to move towards independence and to support inclusion in the community. Participants come to our program Monday - Friday, 8:30 - 4:30. Each individuals' daily program is tailored to their needs and capabilities with a strong emphasis on work experience. This core program endeavours to increase job skills of participants, increase work opportunities (paid, unpaid, volunteer) in the Aurora community and to provide training and support to local businesses to support inclusion. The inclusion of people with disabilities in natural settings allows them to have an equal opportunity to contribute to the health and well being of their community