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The #likeme campaign


Business No: 872481361RR0001

The #likeme campaign

The OurLondonFamily committee is collaborating with the City of London’s Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression division and the Thames Valley District School Board's Equity and Library Services teams to create a campaign to fundraise, purchase and distribute Islamic children’s books to all Elementary school libraries within TVDSB. 

In honor of the Afzaal family, The OurLondonFamily committee is committed to promoting access to educational resources within schools which celebrate Islamic traditions and practices and combat the spread of Islamophobia. 

The OurLondonFamily believes in the impact these books can have to affirm Muslim identity and promote inclusion within TVDSB. Your donation will put these books in the heart of Elementary school libraries across TVDSB.

Do not miss this opportunity to give all students the chance to learn about their Muslim peers. You will allow Muslim students access to books that represent their identity. You will help to create change.