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Sunset Community


Business No: 108052507RR0001

Sunset Community


The Sunset Community is a centre of learning and excellence for adults with disabilities in the Northern part of Nova Scotia.

We provide safe and supportive living, learning and work environments so individuals can live a satisfying and meaningful life.

The Sunset Community is a leader in removing barriers which prevent those we support from access to choices.

Our Mission:

People helping people be the best they can be

Our Vision

All people will have access to choices and the freedom to live personally satisfying and meaningful lives!

Our Values:

The Sunset Community holds certain values as basic in the way we work with one another and the individuals we serve.

Respect & Dignity We first focus on the strengths of individuals. All individuals have the potential to grow and learn. All individuals and cultures deserve to be treated with respect, dignity, fairness and kindness.

Compassion We are caring individuals who strive to understand others and treat all individuals like we would want to be treated.

Accountability We are responsible for our actions and behaviours, our decisions, our successes and our failures. We are honest in answering for our decisions and actions.

Excellence  We are committed to upholding the highest quality of service to those we serve through the pursuit of best practises and lifelong learning.

Learning We are committed to a culture of learning and encourage learning for each other and those we serve.

Collaboration We work cooperatively with one another. We encourage regular, open participation of all stakeholders in problem solving and decision making. We support and encourage the positive involvement of staff, family, friends, neighbours, volunteers and those of similar interests.

Maximization of Resources

Our resources will be used creatively to maximize their positive effect on the health and well-being of those we work with. We recognize the importance of sustaining our resources for the future. The key resource is staff and we will support each other to embody the above values.

Your support will help us make a difference!

With your support, we can continue to enhance current programs and services we provide for persons with disabilities.

  • Purchase of musical/gym equipment
  • Purchase program resources
  • Renovate Sunset Industries
  • Purchase furniture and other specific required items
  • Property improvements
  • Other projects that improve the lives of those we support in meaningful ways

"A persons most useful asset is not a head full of knowledge, but a heart full of love, an ear ready to listen and a hand willing to help." Edha24

"We rise by lifting others." Robert Ingersoll


BOX 130


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