Welcome to our 2020 Crowdfunding Campaign! The theme for this year's campaign is Navigating Change. Student Open Circles helps McMaster University students reflect on ways to help navigate uncertain times in today’s current world, both within their own lives and by making a difference through service in the community. You can find more descriptions of how we assist our community members with navigating changes on each of the team pages.

This year, every dollar you donate will be matched by an anonymous donor (first $5,000), doubling your impact! Our goal is to raise the entire matched amount, for a total of $10,000 to support our life-transforming programs. The campaign thermometer shows the total amount raised after donations are matched.

As one student reflected after a group session: “I’m feeling more at peace! Sharing how my current situation is going helped tremendously in reducing my anxiety. It felt as if I had unlocked a shackle to my mind and heart that held me from living authentically.” Student Open Circles reaches out to students at McMaster University, and they in turn reach out to thousands of people at community organizations throughout Hamilton.

Student Open Circles creates a supportive community for a diversity of students to reflect personally and spiritually. Students grow into compassionate leaders who care for others. Facilitators Jeff and Marybeth meet with students one-on-one, in small groups and in workshops and retreats. With the help of an Administrative Assistant, they take on the enormous task of organizing 300 students volunteering weekly in 28 teams at community organizations.

Your support really matters: while Student Open Circles is well-known on campus, we are not funded by the university. Thank you for supporting our campaign!

Another student reflects: “I know you have been occupied with transitioning Open Circles online and I just wanted to say I feel like I am still getting the exact same benefits out of it & in some ways more! [By connecting through video calls] I find myself listening more than speaking which is also something I want to work on more.”

“I encourage you to volunteer regularly because no matter your initial mindset, volunteering will change you. At some point, you no longer give it meaning. It gives you meaning. And it means the world to someone.” (Marvin Yan, Dr. Davey’s Breakfast Program Volunteer Group Facilitator)



Donated By


Feb 28, 2021 12:56 AM

Donation was made through Vivian Li


Donated By

Jorge Backal

Feb 27, 2021 5:22 PM

Donation was made through Map Team Fundraiser!


Donated By


Feb 27, 2021 3:57 PM

Donation was made through Map Team Fundraiser!


Donated By


Feb 27, 2021 3:56 PM

Donation was made through Seniors Connect Monday - CVC