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Student Christian Movement of Canada


Business No: 108043936RR0001

Building communities of faith-rooted resistance and liberation since 1921.

Student Christian Movement of Canada


Our Mission

We are the Student Christian Movement because we feel called to engage the prophetic teachings of the revolutionary Jesus of Nazareth.

We include people of many beliefs and faiths seeking to explore and challenge the Christian tradition.

Locally, nationally and internationally, we strive to be a healing community. Through spiritual practice we strengthen and challenge each other on this journey.

Embracing radical ecumenism and interreligious praxis, we celebrate the paradox of unity in diversity.

We seek through reflection, study and action to discern God's will for the world and to understand our role in it.

Proclaiming God's preferential option for the poor and marginalized, we act in solidarity with the oppressed to resist structures of domination and realize justice in this world. This we offer as a living prayer.

About Student Christian Movement of Canada (SCM Canada)

SCM Canada is a grassroots student-led movement on the intersection of faith and social justice.

With local units active on campuses across the country, and links to more than 100 global SCMs, we engage the prophetic teachings of the revolutionary Jesus of Nazareth.

Solidarity, Leadership, Faith.

Justice, Community, Spirituality.


103 Bellevue Ave

Toronto, ON, M5T 2N8

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