St. John Ambulance Alberta
Business No: 887254035RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
As Canada's standard for excellence in First Aid and CPR services, St John Ambulance plays an integral role in our society. Building on a 900-year tradition, St John Ambulance offers innovative First Aid programs and products, ensuring Canadians receive the best service, quality, and expertise. Community Services volunteers provide first aid, emergency and disaster response support in times of crisis. This support improves the quality of life for the individuals experiencing these life changing events.
The scope of volunteerism is provincial, national, and international. Programs such as Therapy Dog visitation, Child Safety Seat Training, first aid drills, and attendance at community events annually contribute over 20,000 hours to Albertan communities. First aid and CPR Training comprises instructors, volunteers, and staff who provide high-quality first aid training and products.
Under the guidance of our network of medical and health care professionals, St John Ambulance is the national leader, setting the standard for training in first aid, CPR, and other lifesaving skills. St John Ambulance's operations are primarily supported through CPR, first aid, and other training programs guided by strong financial stewardship.