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S.S. Naramata Preservation Project

Registered Name: S.S. Sicamous Marine Heritage Society

Business No: 108001728RR0001

S.S. Naramata Preservation Project

What's Happening?

The S.S. Sicamous Society is dedicated to preserving the S.S. Naramata tugboat for future generations. The hull of the tugboat is severely corroded, with the steel being thiner than normal in some areas, allowing water to seep in and cause further damage. To conduct permanent repairs, we need to access the exterior of the ship, but the hull is grounded in sand. This means we must first raise the tugboat.

This unique and challenging project, which has been on hold for 20 years, requires significant funding and expertise. We are collaborating with the City of Penticton to achieve the best possible outcome. Given the complexity of the project, we must first commission a series of preliminary studies to determine the most effective course of action and provide a more accurate estimate of the total project costs. These studies are estimated to cost $50,000.

Last week, the City Council declined to fund the studies, but we are not deterred. We are working with our representatives to secure funding and present a comprehensive plan at the August 20 Council meeting.

The S.S. Sicamous Society has already allocated $25,000 towards the initial phase of this project. We are now actively fundraising to secure the remaining $25,000 needed for the next stage. Without this crucial work, we risk losing the opportunity to preserve this unique piece of our heritage for future generations.

How You Can Help

Spread the Word (Free)

Forward this email to friends and family who may be interested in the S.S. Naramata. Your support in spreading the word is invaluable.

Make a Donation

We have half of the funds, but need to raise the remaining $25,000 before August 20th. Donations can be made online via Canada Helps (click “Donate Here” button above).

Get Involved (Free)

Reach out to city councilors and express the importance of preserving the S.S. Naramata. Let them know this piece of heritage deserves protection for future generations.

Project Details

Structural Engineer

  1. Working with Geotech to establish the appropriate support structure.
  2. Engineer the support cradle under the boat.
  3. Issue sealed support drawing and Schedule B.
  4. Engineer the lift of the boat so the cradle can be installed.
  5. Issue sealed lift drawing and Schedule B
  6. Review the original boat plans.
  7. Review Pacific Coast Marine Surveyor report of the boat.
  8. Modify or strengthen the boat hull if necessary so it is strong enough to be lifted into the cradle.
  9. Work with City, Geotech and Marine Surveyor to accomplish the above.
  10. Inspect all work.
  11. When lift is complete and boat is in cradle, issue Schedule CB.

Geotechnical: To study the land around the tugboat and establish the best approach for raising it.

  1. Assist during preliminary pile design.
  2. Review of subgrade material types.
  3. Written report outlining preliminary pile design parameters including pile type options, considerations, and required depth of pile installation.
  4. Observe and review pile load tests.
  5. Provision of required Letters of Assurance including Schedule B and Schedule C-B.
  6. Preparation of required insurance report.
  7. Engineering field reviews.

Environmental Biologist: Legally required due to the tugboat’s location on the lake shore, ensuring the protection of this precious water resource. Structures as old as the Naramata contain hazardous materials and need extra care.

  1. QP Checklist (EMP) & Sediment Drainage Plan (SDMP).
  2. Section 11 Water Sustainability Act Application to Province.
  3. Correspondence and Monitoring (includes 4 site visits and 8 hours correspondence, additional charges for requirements over allotted amounts).

Together, we can preserve the S.S. Naramata and ensure its legacy for future generations. Thank you for your support!