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Southern Alberta Myeloma Patient Society (SAMPS)

Registered Name: Southern Alberta Myeloma Patient Society

Business No: 846124907RR0001

SAMPS is a 100% volunteer organization. Donations fund clinical research and advocacy for Multiple Myeloma drugs and patient care.

Southern Alberta Myeloma Patient Society (SAMPS)



SAMPS is hard at work organizing this year's premier SAMPS fundraiser.  

You can make a difference by signing up as an individual, joining an existing team or getting a group of good friends together and create your own team!  Direct your family and friends to your page so that they can donate in your name. 

We are thankful to have received a “kick-off” donation of from Brenda and Douglas Bauman! Our sincere thanks for their most generous gifts!! 

For the challenge, we ask you to choose a challenge activity that is meaningful to you – something unique that you can do at your own pace, whatever the stage of your personal Myeloma journey. Whether you walk, run or cycle a certain distance, walk a target number of steps each day, sew a number of masks, shave your head, create artwork for donation, or help a person in need - the list is endless – we can all make a difference in our own unique way.

If you cannot physically participate in the challenge, then please help us by making a DONATION. Reach out to family and friends who would like to support both you and the cause and help bring us closer to a cure for myeloma.

This year, the event will conclude with an in-person "Mix and Mingle" at Canyon Meadows Community Centre - 848 Cantabrian Drive S.W. - 11am-2pm - Saturday, September 21st, 2024. Please register for the event at the link below so we can plan for snacks and drinks: 

You are invited to the SAMPS Challenge Wrap-Up Mix and Mingle!

When: September 21, 2024 11am to 2 pm.  

Please Register in advance for the SAMPS Challenge WRAP-UP MIX AND MINGLE to help us determine food/drink requirements:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email.  Please visit our website at for more information on our Mix and Mingle. 

The money raised in the SAMPS Myeloma Virtual Challenge assists the Myeloma community in a number of ways. Firstly, you should know that all monies raised will stay in Calgary, and promote local research initiatives. Secondly, by supporting SAMPS, we facilitate the awareness of Multiple Myeloma in Alberta and help with advocacy to ensure that our voices are heard in important decisions which impact our lives. Thirdly, and most importantly, we support the lab at the University of Calgary Division of Hematology Research and Education Fund run by Dr. N. Bahlis and Dr. P. Neri, who specialize in Multiple Myeloma research. Their important research allows for the development of new medications and treatments. Additionally, they organize many clinical trials of innovative treatments/medications which improves the treatment outcomes greatly for the many of us in the SAMPS organization that are on a Myeloma Journey.  

Please watch for further details on the 2024 Myeloma Virtual Challenge and Mix and Mingle via Mailchimp. 



PO Box 8165 Stn A


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