South Shore Public Libraries
Business No: 129814034RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Located on the South Shore of Nova Scotia, South Shore Public Libraries celebrates reading, discovering, learning, and sharing.
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Our Mission
South Shore Public Libraries celebrates reading, discovering, learning and sharing.
About South Shore Public Libraries
South Shore Public Libraries is the youngest of Nova Scotia's nine public library systems. It is the primary source of library and information resources in Lunenburg and Queens Counties. Library service is offered at town branches in Bridgewater, Liverpool and Lunenburg, via a mobile branch to communities in rural Lunenburg/Queens, and online at
South Shore Public Libraries serves a population of just over 61,000 in the two counties. We have a record of solid fiscal management and we know that the services we offer represent good value for dollars spent. Rising costs for materials and equipment mean we're struggling to maintain our services at their current levels. Our challenge is to provide our community with library materials that reflect a wide range of views, expressions, opinions and interests in print and electronic formats and to have quality programming to enhance these resources, all within a limited budget.
supporter wall
Kirk A donated $100.00!
Thanks for the fine service and work.
Beverly C donated $80.00!
Love the bookmobile service!
Beverly C donated $50.00!
Special thanks to the bookmobile team!
J. B donated $100.00!
Thank you for your valuable contribution to our community.
Marie H donated $100.00!
We Love South Shore Public Libraries!❤️