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SEED Society for Enterprise Education and Development

Registered Name: Society for Enterprise Education and Development SEED

Business No: 834772303RR0001

SEED Society for Enterprise Education and Development


Seed's Mission:

Making a difference in people’s lives.


Develop And Deliver Education And Employment Programs For Youth

Operate And Maintain Resource Eco-System

Corporate Governance As A Society


SEED is able to achieve our goals and mission through the following Programs: 

Youth Employability Program

The Youth Employability Program (YEP) was established in 1998, by Centre for Entrepreneurship Education & Development Incorporated (CEED) in partnership with the Nova Scotia Department of Community Services. YEP was then moved to the Society for Enterprise Education and Development (SEED) in the spring of 2019. YEP is designed to meet the need for employment support and service delivery; specifically supporting youth connected to the social assistance and child welfare systems within the province of Nova Scotia.

The Youth Employability Program (YEP) takes an innovative approach to working with youth who are connected to the social assistance and child welfare system. In conjunction with our community partners, the YEP team assists youth in establishing the framework, resources and time necessary to plan and work towards success; supporting and celebrating every small step towards independence. Our outreach capacity and flexibility enables YEP Program Officers to address both challenges and opportunities with the youth as they arise. YEP Program officers encourage independence and self reliance and act as an advocate and a support to youth. With YEP's ongoing support, youth build upon the personal characteristics, skills, attitudes and resources that they possess, or are developing, to create a bright future for themselves independent of social welfare systems.

Digital Skills to SucSEED

Digital Skills to SucSEED (DS2S) is a cohort based Virtual Youth Pre-Employability pilot project. Delivered province-wide to youth living in care of the province, foster care, or otherwise attached to CYFS, DS2S aims to support youth to develop necessary digital literacy, wellness and pre-employability skills through virtual group and individual sessions. Designed to gradually increase engagement using digital media content creation and processing, Youth Contributors are incentivized to attend, participate, and treat the project like a "job". Using a phased approach, youth work to earn a base stipend by attending and participating in group sessions, with the opportunity enhanced through an experience point (XP) system to encourage further participation. Contributors can chose to work through additional challenges on their own time with varying degrees of difficulty; this XP can then be redeemed for sought after products in our in-house "SEEDSHOP."

Apart from the final Work Experience opportunity, the delivery of this project is completely online. SEED partners with non-profit organizations, small and medium sized businesses, and other engaging organizations throughout the province to provide supportive and meaningful work opportunities for youth. The innovative service delivery model of this project draws on facilitators’ experiences and abilities to engage youth with a wide range of virtual tools. This starts with technology being provided to the Youth Contributors, with facilitators augmenting their digital literacy through open source software, weekly individual meetings, and an ongoing gamified approach. Additionally, the project leverages relevant guest facilitators to engage the youth: local celebrities, prominent community members and specific employers are scheduled to participate and talk about their journeys. Ultimately, the service delivery is rooted in cohort specific group workshops and individualized sessions, with facilitators providing support to help each Youth Contributor progress at a pace that is right for them and meaningful to their future.


225 - 7071 BAYERS RD


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