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Sickle Cell Association of Ontario


Business No: 890327067RR0001

For almost 40 years we've helped make life worth living for people with Sickle Cell Disease all over Ontario. Help Us Help Them for 40 more.

Sickle Cell Association of Ontario

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Founded in 1981, the Sickle Cell Association of Ontario (SCAO) is a community-based, volunteer run, charitable organization based in Toronto, that provides support and resources for individuals, families and communities affected by Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) throughout Ontario utilizing our C.A.R.E. Model.

C.A.R.E. stands for:

  • Counseling

  • Advocacy

  • Raising Awareness

  • Education

For more information about the Sickle Cell Association of Ontario please visit us at or by following us via your preferred social media platform.

Facebook & Twitter - @SickleCellON | Instagram - @sicklecellontario

We appreciate and are grateful for any and all donations as they allow us to keep serving this vulnerable community year round.

Thank you,

Sickle Cell Association of Ontario

What people are saying

Sometimes a small thing you do can mean everything in another person's life.

- Unknown

supporter wall

  • Nicolette S donated $25.00!

    Thank you for the support and reminding us we're not alone.

  • DAWN A donated $25.00!

    Thank you for all the great work you do.

  • Marilyn M donated $50.00!

    This donation is in recognition of Martine Seniors 95th Birthday Celebration.

  • Marilyn M donated $25.00!

    This donation is in recognition of Martine Seniors 95th Birthday Celebration.

  • Marilyn M donated $50.00!

    This donation is in recognition of a Martine Seniors 95th Birthday Celebration.

  • Princess Margaret Cancer Centre donated $290.00!

    On behalf of Colleen Johnson's Retirement

Showing 1 to 6 of 8 results


1711 McCowan Road

P.O. Box 41562

Scarborough, ON, M1S 5G8

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