Shamrock Children's Christmas Society
Registered Name: The Shamrock Children's Christmas Society
Business No: 837238823RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
The Shamrock Children’s Christmas Society is a non-profit charity that was established over 40 years ago. Throughout the years we have made countless Christmas miracles come true for thousands of local families and their children.
Working closely with schools, communities and word of mouth we receive referrals for families in need of a helping hand. Members of our team interview all of the families, to gather information such as sizes, favourite colours, what each child like to play with. Shopping teams purchase all of the gifts and large group of volunteer’s sorts and wraps all the gifts. Meanwhile up north, another busy team of volunteers is putting together the groceries for each family, including all the fixings for a Christmas dinner and beyond. All of this is then put together for Santa and his elves to personally deliver.Visit our Web page to find out more about us or email us and tell us how you want to help the kids.HO HO HO