Over three days 52 painters took shifts painting a continuous mural across four wooden boards. 

The mural celebrates Indigenous culture — with stories of the Caribou, Crane, Blue Jay, and Pine Marten. The completed mural has been installed on the east wall of the Scugog Arts Space for the community and visitors of Scugog to enjoy and be inspired by. It will remain in this place until we can do it all over again.

People of all ages participated in the painting of the mural, taking two-hour shifts creating public art. Jon Colwell, local artist and Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nation band member, designed the mural in a coloring book style that allowed for anyone to join the fun — no experience needed!

The mural is guaranteed to add to the vibrancy and quality of life to our community, drawing in visitors and locals alike. If it’s Instagramable, the people will come!

Painters had to register and make a minimum donation of $50 in order to participate. They also earned a Lake Scugog hat from the new Durham is Home collection from Scugog Arts partners, Durham Tourism.

Don’t let the fun stop!  This fundraiser is ongoing and supports operating expenses at Scugog Arts. With your support, we can continue to produce and host free art programming for our community. 



Donated By

Crystal Tuz

Aug 9, 2021 7:58 AM

Donation was made through Bee creative


Donated By

Caleb & Stephanie Atkins

Jul 22, 2021 8:09 AM

Donation was made through Angelica Atkins


Donated By

Rebecca Mustard

Jul 20, 2021 7:24 PM

Donation was made through Angelica Atkins


Donated By

CNC Profiles Inc.

Jul 20, 2021 11:41 AM

Donation was made through Marion Meyers Mural Painter