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The Housing Help Centre

Registered Name: The Housing Help Centre

Business No: 890861313RR0001

The Housing Help Centre


The Housing Help Centre recognizes that each individual deserves safe, secure and affordable housing. We provide a holistic approach to combating the issues that result in homelessness. Dedicated to the principles of fairness and compassion, we seek to promote self-sufficiency and equitable access to community resources.

We offer a number of services in the City of Toronto, and the entire Region of York. We serve 5000 individuals every year by helping them access and retaining habitable and affordable rental housing.  After COVID, we have also been actively working with landlords and tenants to prevent evictions through education and mediation- we prevent 500 evictions a year. We offer grants to clients at risk of eviction in Toronto, and financial help to eligible clients unable to pay their utility and water bills- we serve more than 750 clients every year.  We provided specialized services to clients with mental health and addictions services, as well as victims of domestic violence


We serve close to 400 families every year.  Every year, we provide intensive case management to up to 100 clients who experienced homelessness in the recent past, to help them learn skills necessary to retaining their housing, and prevent recurrences of homelessness.

We work with close to 800 small landlords in the community by matching clients and landlords, and working with both sides to develop an amicable relationship.

We work with newcomer clients to Canada to help them settle in their new homeland through accessing affordable housing and advocating for the families where necessary. Over the last years, we are pro, and are currently active in serving refugees who arrived in Canada from Afghanistan, as a result of being displaced by civil war.  

In 2020, THHC started a food bank to respond to the shortage of food shortages in our catchment community. In conjunction with the Daily Break Food Bank, we provide fresh vegetables, canned food and other nutritious food products of specific pertinence to children and babies. We need more resources to be able to respond appropriately to the needs of our clients who have to choose between paying the rent and feeding the family, as a result of unemployment and underemployment caused by COVID. We request everybody to please help us with financial resources to help us meet the needs of this vulnerable community.




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