Business No: 119140937RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Serving people in need with hot, nutritious breakfast & lunch meals, 365 days a year, free of charge, no questions. $6 fills a plate.
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Our Mission:
Through community partnerships and authentic relationships, the Saskatoon Friendship Inn fosters a compassionate sense of belonging for our neighbours in need by serving daily nutritious meals, offering friendship, and providing referrals and programming thta meet people where they are.
About the Saskatoon Friendship Inn:
The Friendship Inn is open 365 days of the year to serve Breakfast and Lunch to neighbours in need. All meals are offered free of charge, with no questions asked.
Vulnerable people find safe sanctuary at the Saskatoon Friendship Inn.
Without proper nutrition, people living in poverty experience high levels of illness and stress. Hunger negatively affects every aspect of daily life in ways that are difficult to understand by those who have not experienced this challenge.
By responding with two nutritious meals, the Inn empowers people by eliminating the stress of securing two meals so individuals and families can focus on other relevant issues such as securing housing, finding employment, creating healthy relationships and education for themselves and their children.
Those seeking meals and other services at the Inn include: individuals and families struggling to survive on a fixed income, people experiencing addictions and mental health issues, single mothers and fathers, senior citizens and new immigrants. The Friendship Inn serves up to 1200 - 1600 meals every day.
supporter wall
Glenda N donated $100.00!
Thank You for great Help! Happy Thanksgiving!
Karen T donated!
With the current high cost of food, and the lack of a livable minimum wage, the ...
Daniel F donated $1,000.00!
Thank you for the work you do.
Linda T donated!
Anthony C donated $100.00!
You provide a valuable service to our community, thank you for all that you do.
Michelle M donated $100.00!
Thank you for all the great work you do.