Samaritan Club of Calgary
Business No: 129909313RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
The Samaritan Club of Calgary is dedicated to providing short-term assistance to Calgarians in need.
We provide support to those in crisis only by referral from healthcare professionals, social workers, and community support workers. Each request must come through an email to or a telephone call.
Samaritan Club members are a dedicated group of over 165 women who raise funds throughout the year to support their initiatives. The majority of the funds continue to be raised through the famous Super Sales held in both the Spring and Fall. Other events such as bridge luncheons, casinos and golf tournaments are periodically staged to provide additional revenue.
An outstanding feature of the Samaritan Club of Calgary is that it operates without any administrative overhead. Members pay an annual fee to ensure that 100% of the funds raised in the community can be directed to those in need.