Resilient Kids Canada
Registered Name: Resilient Kids Canada
Business No: 718447477RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Resilient Kids Canada is all about giving children the superpowers to navigate life skillfully and happily, now and in the future

Resilient Kids Canada provides the insights and educational tools for today’s parents, caregivers and teachers that enables the development of the resiliency superpower that young children need for success in life now and in the future.
We give kids, parents and educators the “parenting” and “kid-Friendly” tools needed to empower all Canadian children to have the best environments and experiences - the essential ingredients needed in the magical 3-8 years of age that lead to becoming strong and resourceful adults.
Be it everyday challenges or traumatic events, life is full of twists and turns. Yet the research shows that if cognitive, social and emotional skills are taught at a very early age, children can effectively respond throughout life to whatever is thrown their way – and thrive
Resilient Kids Canada is anchored in a Canadian-wide professional network comprised of leading academics, healthcare professionals, educators, parents and influencers dedicated to providing young children with the best possible start in life. Visit our website and meet our Founding President and CEO, Our Honorary Ambassadors and our Professional Advisors who have guided the development of our Virtual Innovative Childhood Learning Zones:
- The Inspiration Zone: Encourages kids of all ages to follow their dreams with a line-up that includes The Good Viral videos, Colonel Chris Hatfield, Gord Downie and Chanie Wenjack’s Inspiring Story, Terry Fox who never gave up, Historica Canada, The National Art Centre and its Grand Acts of Hope and the Inspiring Voices of the One Voice Children’s Choir.
- The Kid’s Zone: Transforms “screen-time” into fun-filled, kid-friendly activities for caring adults and children to de together to develop their resiliency superpowers. Visit Mr. Rogers Neighbourhood, access great kids’ books and safe websites for games and activities, view together books written and read by movie and TV superstars, and explore Canadian Art and Culture
- The Grown-Up Zone: Offers parents, caregivers and educators the insights, resources and tools anchored in early childhood best practices they need to guide the children in their care on their journey to developing the skills that make us resilient - and, level up their own resiliency intelligence by skills. Check out the Insight Series, attend our Resiliency U. and all the resources that make parenting and education of kids easier to locate. And, don’t miss the helpful work-life balance section and the Go-To Mental Health website section if you need access to mental health services.
- The Evidence Zone: Highlights the evidence-based organizations with the latest peer-reviewed research and educational resources on the neuroscience of experience-based brain and biological development and how social and emotional learning develops resiliency in children.