Reseau de Protection Animale Baie-des-Chaleurs
Registered Name: Réseau de Protection Animale de la Baie-des-Chaleurs
Business No: 778888321RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
What is the Animal Protection Network of Baie-des-Chaleurs?The Baie-des-Chaleurs Animal Protection Network was formally constituted on April 22nd, 2015 by citizens concerned about the lack of an animal shelter and aware of the dire needs of it on the territory of Baie-des-Chaleurs. RPABDC's mission is to improve the condition of pets through awareness raising, prevention and direct assistance to stray and needy animals in the area is MRC Avignon and MRC Bonaventure.The ultimate goal is to give animals the chance to be adopted by a loving family and prevent abandonment. Since the Network does not currently have a shelter, the animals are housed in foster families spread over the territory. The establishment and operation of an animal shelter is the long-term goal for the Baie-des-Chaleurs Animal Protection Network.Who are the actors of the Animal Protection Network of Baie-des-Chaleurs?The RPABDC is made up of a 9-member board of directors, around which volunteers work to support and assist at different levels. About 15 foster families take care of the animals collected until they are adopted. Our phone number: 581-358-1010