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Qajuqturvik Community Food Centre


Business No: 810143925RR0001

Food security and food sovereignty should be a right for all Nunavummiut, and we work to make that a reality.

Qajuqturvik Community Food Centre

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QCFC is a registered charity that strives to strengthen health, belonging and food sovereignty in Iqaluit utilizing the power of tradition and community. We improve access to good food by supporting local harvesting, preparation, education, training, and advocacy.

QCFC is a partner site of Community Food Centres Canada (CFCC), a national organization that’s driving the development of CFCs across the country. The partnership with CFCC provides core funding and program support to QCFC to build up programming and further support community members’ access to food, resources, and supports. For more on Community Food Centres Canada, visit their website

For up-to-date information on our activities, please visit our website

What people are saying

Try new things. If you don't, you won't get to experience the great food in the whole wide world.

Grade 5 student, Kids' Cooking Club

supporter wall

  • Mary M donated $150.00!

    Your efforts are making such a difference to people's lives and giving them hope...

  • Marie D donated $100.00!

    May all the compassion you show be returned to you many times over. Thank you f...

  • Jennifer C donated $1,000.00!

    From your friends at Connected North! Thanks for the important work you do.

  • Patikuluk Real Estate and Consulting Services donated $3,000.00!

    Thanks for all the help you provide our community

  • Jana W donated $150.00!

    Thank you for all the great work you do !! ..... vancouver

  • Susan S H donated $150.00!

    Happy to support your work to correct this injustice. I appreciate all the info...

Showing 1 to 6 of 17 results


655 Mattaaq Crescent


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